Many men in western societies look down on yoga as being somehow unmanly and insufficiently challenging to count as real exercise. And, although it is certainly true that most yoga classes are dominated by women, most men would find they benefit from adding yoga sessions to their weekly training. This is as true for elite athletes as it is for the average Joe Sixpack looking to get a little fitter.
The first thing to note about yoga is that it comes in such a variety of styles that almost anyone is bound to find one that works for them. Large numbers of men are drawn to Ashtanga yoga, which is fast and athletic in its movements. The different poses are all physically demanding and can lead to rapid increases in upper-body strength. And because one moves quickly from pose to pose with no pauses or rest breaks, the session becomes aerobically demanding as well. It is hard to think of another form of exercise that provides as much of a total body workout as Ashtanga yoga.
Many men who already run or lift weights may find that they do not need such a hard workout but would benefit from stretching and improving their flexibility. In such cases they may wish to consider one of the more flowing styles such as Hatha Yoga. And if precision and greater flexibility are desired then Iyengar Yoga might be an option. Among proponents of yoga for elite athletes is Dr Peter Spencer of Leeds Trinity University College who did some yoga work with the Australian rugby league team. He argues that it helps avoid injury and aid recuperation. He has also been trialing yoga on patients recovering from heart disease.
Another rugby team to have taken up yoga was the Welsh squad which started classes in 2003 before their World Cup victory against England. Much of the work they did was aimed at improving flexibility and balancing strength to reduce the risk of injury.Another advantage of yoga as an exercise regime is that it requires very little, if any equipment. Most people just borrow a mat and strap at their class but after a little experience many will prefer to bring their own. Even so, yoga mats and bags are modestly priced.